Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rumpus Room Windows

I posted a message on Homeone asking what people thought oabout a proposal her indoors and I have been thinking about in terms of Rumpus Room window arrangement. See below for an image of a suggestion:

We are concerned that the windows may be a bit pokey, but we like the idea of a bit of extra light into this room. Comment as to what you think.


  1. I am confused - I can't reconcile this image with the plan at the top of the page

  2. The plan as it stands includes a funny little wall continueing from the South wall of the Rumpus. We want to eliminate this wall as it serves no purpose. Also we no longer want a sliding door on the West end of the Rumpus. Hope that helps (is that you Dad?).

  3. The little wall is missing, but no windows seem to go into the alfresco and others point into Bed 4. Maybe you should send me a copy of the latest plan.

    How did you guess who I am?

  4. The latest plan is on the right of the blog (North is to the top of the page of the plan). Bed 4 is to the South (see the arrow thing in the image with the text North next to it, South is the other direction of the arrow). The opening to the left of the brick wall is the entrance into the Rumpus, where we will most likely be having a sliding door. I probably should have added the South Wall of the Alfresco to help as well. I have not continued the West Wall of the house into Bed 4 either, it was really only meant to be a study of the Rumpus. Soon I will post an image of the whole Sketchup model.
