Saturday, January 22, 2011

Picture rail start and pier repair

Popped by at about 1:00PM today. It looks like the carpenter has been there. All I could see was one section of picture rail installed.

Also it looks like the cracked piers have had an attempt at repairs.

They've added a bit of extra timber around the piers which should help to stabilize them. It seems like a reasonable idea. My only concern is that this could cause an issue with termites. Apparently they like a path to the yummy timber and if they can hide that path inside timber it is harder to check if they are attacking the rest of the house.

I have a similar concern about how the have left the piers for the alfresco

Termites like wet timber too and I plan to fill with soil around these making it even harder to check to make sure we don't have a termite problem.

I think I may be using my conservative powers as an engineer against me though. The builder is taking other precautions. I think that they are using type B termite protection which I think is alchemical barrier around the perimeter of the house. Also I'm hoping that the piers used for the alfresco are made of hardwood which apparently termites don't like.

As you may have noticed from all of the above "may"s "I think"s and "apparently"s I am not super confident in my opinions about termites. I think I'll have another read of the termite protection code just to try to clarify my opinions.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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